About Us
Quest PhD is a unit of quest educational consultancy. Company has been in operation since the year 2015 and has consulted over 200 PhD candidates in their research. Company started its operations from Hyderabad. Clients interested to meet and discuss about their doctoral research can set up meetings for every day from 9am-9pm at office location.
Company uses 3rd party collaborative platform Rapid Collaborate where the consulting service is rendered. PhD candidates have given positive feedbacks about this platform and the company is using the same for more than three years now.
There are three departments in the company namely the client service team, consulting team and administrative staff. Company has teamed up with consultants of different areas and most of the consultants working with us are on contracts and they telecommute to work. Company does not offer any guarantees like approvals on any documents or getting research papers published.
- APh.D Topic Selection
- AResearch Propsal
- AThesis Writing
- APh.D Dissertation
- AEditing services
- APaper Publication in UGC, Scopus journals
- AScientific article/Manuscript preparation
- APlagiarism check and corrections
- APublication of papers in conference proceedings
- APatent Filing
- APublisher: IEEE, Elsevier, Springier, Wiley, Taylor and Francis, SAGE, Nature, University of Chicago Press & Routledge.
- ADiploma, B tech, M tech, MBA Projects
- AConferences services
- AText Book Writing & Printing services